Version 1.2.1050 (Shareware, 29.95 $) |
Stop spam and junk e-mail with SpamWasher. This unique and intuitive product allows you to block spam from entering your inbox, while allowing e-mail from trusted senders to pass immediately!Featuring an easy-to-use interface, you can quickly and efficiently manage potential spam e-mails, accounts and rules. Users can easily import accounts, import address books and trusted friends, and let SpamWasher do the rest. Report spam e-mails in real time for instant updates. Updates are downloaded instantly within the product. Panicware products come with free technical support, free lifetime updates and an unconditional guarantee. This newest release includes more custom rules features, and a useful Bounce feature to bounce spam back to the sender! Now with Hotmail and MSN support! |
Mit INetCollect können 1000te Seiten in kürzester Zeit nach E-Mail-Adressen, Bildern, Musikdateien usw. durchsucht werden.
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