Version 3.8 (Shareware, 299 $) |
CyberCafePro Internet & Cyber Cafe Software is designed for owners of cyber cafes or any other business that needs to control, charge for, and report on the use of computers for gaming, application or for Internet access. It is not intrusive to your system files but locks control of the computer except for programs you allow customers to run. You can quickly setup (Quick Setup Guide) and customize most aspects for the client interface. |
Alle meine Passworte (AmP)
Alle meine Passworte dient zur Katalogisierung von Passworten. Die Passworte werden in einer verschlüsselten Datei gespeichert (6 verschiedene Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen sind integriert), so dass die Daten sicher abgelegt sind.
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