Version 4.1 (Shareware, 249,- US) |
WiFi-Manager is a developer tool that allows you to manage wireless networks and settings in Windows XP SP2 and Vista using one set of API functions. Also WiFi-Manager provides a COM interface for all API functions so you can simply control WiFi settings from VB or such .NET languages as VB.NET or C#.
WiFi-Manager SDK contains functions for enumerating WiFi adapters, enumerating available networks and getting their settings, functions for connecting and disconnecting to networks, functions for working with wireless networks profiles, API for working with Windows Firewall and much more!
Features list:
- Supports Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista via one set of API.
- Supports networks with Open / Shared / WPA / WPA-PSK / WPA2 / WPA2-PSK authentification.
- Supports networks with WEP / TKIP / AES data encryption.
- API for enumerating WiFi adapters and getting / setting their properties.
- API for enumeration available wireless networks and getting their properties.
- API for connecting / disconnecting to wireless networks.
- API for working with network profiles: creating /loading / saving / changing network profiles. For both Windows XP SP2 and Windows Vista all network profiles are stored in XML format according to Windows Vista Native WiFi specifications.
- API for working with Windows Firewall.
- API for working with general network adapters (both WiFi and LAN).
- Additional API for such operations as pinging, getting / setting IP address of adapters, etc.
- Unicode support.
- Can be used with a lot of programming languages (any language that supports DLLs or COM objects).
- Sample projects with complete source code for various programming languages (C/C++, Delphi, VB, VB.NET, C#) are available as well as detailed documentation for APIs, structures and types. |
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