Version 2.8.5 (Freeware, 14.95,- US) |
Omega Messenger is an online communications tool designed to be more efficient than the others currently on the market.
It currently supports the four major instant messenger networks : MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM and ICQ.
You will be able to chat with friends, customers, co-workers, family, and anyone else you want to.
With Omega Messenger, you can:
-Chat via text or in conference in real time
-Transfer files quickly and more reliably than on official MSN or Yahoo clients!
-Get email from your Yahoo! account and Hotmail accounts
-Express yourself with emoticons
-Is small efficient and do not consume huge system resources as official MSN, Yahoo, AIM and ICQ clients
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows 95/98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Mit SMSout versenden Sie einfach und schnell Einzel-SMS und personalisierte Serien-SMS. Es können SMS ohne eigenen Absender, mit eigenen Absender oder ohne eigenen Absender mit Antwort-Option sofort oder später versendet werden.
Mehr Infos...
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