Version 1.1 (Freeware) |
Are you worried what your spouse, child or employee is chatting about? Our free program will uncover the truth with extreme ease by secretly turning Archiving on for ALL users - no passwords needed! The program then allows you to read Yahoo's archive (.dat) files, enabling you to see every conversation which takes place on your computer!
This software works with ANY version of Yahoo! Instant Messenger! Its never been easier to monitor YIM chats! Works with any language. Don't want anyone to know about the program? Once archiving has been turned on, you can remove the program. Then just run the program again when you are ready to decode (view) messages! |
Mit INetCollect können 1000te Seiten in kürzester Zeit nach E-Mail-Adressen, Bildern, Musikdateien usw. durchsucht werden.
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©2025 Mirko Böer
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